Legendary Canadian Genetics
Fight the power of greed; affordable and high quality seeds!
Well reviewed and highly trusted .
Legendary Canadian Genetics
Fight the power of greed; affordable and high quality seeds!
Well reviewed and highly trusted .
With Canada's movement towards legalization, my goal is simply to offer reliable products and genetics to my fellow citizens to contribute to a successful grow at an affordable price.
When a single 3 foot plant can produce thousands upon thousands of seeds, why should we be paying on average of $20.00 per seed when I will sell the same g
With Canada's movement towards legalization, my goal is simply to offer reliable products and genetics to my fellow citizens to contribute to a successful grow at an affordable price.
When a single 3 foot plant can produce thousands upon thousands of seeds, why should we be paying on average of $20.00 per seed when I will sell the same genetics for $2.50??I am not here to make a profit, simply to share what I have collected over the past 20 years.
We specialize in iconic Canadian 'legendary' strains, and work to preserve these fabulous genetics. We quite simply love these beautiful ladies and want to share the work of underground Canadian breeders who have contributed to the cause (before it was overtaken by Corporations).
While maintaining these Iconic strains, we are also mixing these these old school genetics with what is legally available to Canadians to be the genetic bridge between the old school and the new school...using these old genetics cross-bred with clones provided to registered ACMPR growers by various Licensed Producers.
We have cheap cannabis seeds available while still providing superior genetics. Our cheap marijuana seeds may be the least expensive in North America, while being fresher than those from seeds banks.
Our focus going forward is on feminized cannabis seeds for only $6.00 a seed!!
BIG ORDER BONUS: Every order for over $200.00 before tax gets a free pack of 12-14 Regular seeds to be selected by the breeder.
We accept e-transfers, PayPal, cryptocurrencies and cash.
Seeds are shipped in a protective casing meant to ensure your discretion, with no exterior labelling indicating what is inside. We have faith in the protect
BIG ORDER BONUS: Every order for over $200.00 before tax gets a free pack of 12-14 Regular seeds to be selected by the breeder.
We accept e-transfers, PayPal, cryptocurrencies and cash.
Seeds are shipped in a protective casing meant to ensure your discretion, with no exterior labelling indicating what is inside. We have faith in the protective aspects of our packaging, and do not replace seeds if claimed to be received crushed. All seeds are in excellent health when packaged, and I do this *personally* to ensure top quality.
When using Interac E-transfers, you can choose to cancel the payment if it takes too long to accept it. This is a small operation with a large demand.
Interac E-Transfer:
Address provided upon checkout as well as secret question and answer.
PAY TO/PAYEE: Do not write SEEDS, JAH, WEBSITE NAME anywhere, the order will not be processed.
To pay via PayPal, go to the following and send payment as a ‘gift’ please.
CryptoCurrency and Bitcoin
Also, if paying by cryptocurrency, be sure to send an email with the header CRYPTO in all caps with your order number in it to pair the payment with the order. Otherwise it can be difficult to know where they came from. Please send to the following wallet address.
The coupon code for payments by Cryptocurrency is - CryptoPayment
ETH: 0xa63634cac9e0969BcA1139FC02B3042AfdAA2485
BTC: 3C6m5DPnKLu2RCRJqyzo8AYUq3XiknrVRU
BCH: qqm2lhx5kerajz5wr4l5acc36lhfsxw7yywqx2j9xy
Cash Payments;
**We strongly suggest tracking cash payments to verify they have been received** The address to send to is provided upon checkout.
Within Canada, Standard shipping orders are normally (but not guaranteed) to be sent out within a week (you will receive a notification regarding this) and can take anywhere from 3 days within Ontario to upwards of 10-11 business days to reach the Coasts. Please be aware of this- Canada Post is NOT fast.
The Expedited + Tracking option is around $20.00 and gets you the package sent first in line out of each batch, with email updates when it is en-route.
The 'Express + Tracking' option also places you first in line per batch of orders, but the "express" tracking has a guarantee of a 3-5 day delivery time once received by the post office. While these Express Post envelopes vary in price from "Regional" to "National", the cost for this option is $33.00
Why pay huge prices for small seeds? We are against the Corporate greed which has invaded this counter-culture.
Feminized Seeds are only $5.00 to $7.00 each, and Regular Seeds are only $2.50 each.
We also aim to have affordable purchase options to allow anybody the option to purchase seeds; our minimum order is only $10.00 (unlike some comp
Why pay huge prices for small seeds? We are against the Corporate greed which has invaded this counter-culture.
Feminized Seeds are only $5.00 to $7.00 each, and Regular Seeds are only $2.50 each.
We also aim to have affordable purchase options to allow anybody the option to purchase seeds; our minimum order is only $10.00 (unlike some competitors).
We understand not being able to afford $10 per gram. We understand being a single parent with multiple kids and being like 'wtf?' when even seeds cost so much. I agree.
As previously stated, we can't dedicate the time to answering general emails such as "when will you ship my order?". Therefore, we have created a blog post "The Sometimes Daily Update". This will typically tell you the date range of orders being packaged, and whether working on expedited, tracked or standard orders of the current sales batch.
If a customer is rude, or overly demanding such as wanting special treatment in the 'packaging batch', we reserve the right to refund and cancel the order. If paid by credit card, this refund can take up to 7 business days after the refund was issued and will be the paid amount minus the processing fee charged to us. If paid by E-transfer, I will mail you the cash paid for the order as to protect my personal privacy. Rude or offensive emails will land you in the spam folder and future orders will not be processed. We suggest keeping a civil tone if wishing to continue to enjoy the value offered by Just A Handful Seeds.
Sign up to hear from us.
We currently accept nterac E-Mail money transfers within Canada, and Mail Orders (cash or money order). When paying by PayPal, send a message to popcornpanasonic@gmail.com with the subject "PayPal" and we will email you instructions. We also accept all cryptocurrencies accepted by Coinbase (Bitcoin / Litecoin / Bitcoin Cash & Ethereum to name a few).
As the site itself does not want to facilitate direct Bitcoin payments, please proceed as follows. Now some people have mentioned these addresses are different than the address provided on the 'check out' portion of the site; this is because I use two different wallets. All adddresses posted are correct.
1) Complete the Order (making note of your order number or check confirmation email for it)
2) Go to your own Cryptocurrency wallet and transfer the required funds to the following wallet address:
ETH: 0xa63634cac9e0969BcA1139FC02B3042AfdAA2485
BTC: 3C6m5DPnKLu2RCRJqyzo8AYUq3XiknrVRU
BCH: qqm2lhx5kerajz5wr4l5acc36lhfsxw7yywqx2j9xy
And remember, you save 20% off using Cryptocurrencies using the code CRYPTOPAYMENT.
Note: To ensure the correct amount is transferred in Bitcoins, please use a Bitcoin converter. We use http://preev.com/, so it may be wise to use the same so that we see the same values.
Some people just feel better sending cash...which I am perfectly alright with. To do so, please note your order # and send an email to jahseeds.ca@gmail.com indicating this is the preferred payment method and please send it to the following.
We strongly suggest you get tracking on your package when using mail order; sadly we cannot fulfill orders where money has been claimed to be sent but never received. This is a secure post-office, not a mailbox that can be stolen from. Again; leave the Payee blank.
To make a purchase, please send an e-mail money transfer/interac e-mail transfer to 'popcornpanasonic@gmail.com' followed by an email with your order number. For the secret question & answer 'what is favourite colour' with the answer being 'orange'. For payee name, simply put JAY. *DO NOT MENTION SEEDS*. Send an email with the subject PayPal to the same email address for payment instructions.